
Dinesh D'Souza Interviewed About Totally Not-Racist Anti-Obama Movie

Killgore Trout12/09/2012 4:02:14 pm PST

re: #19 stabby

It’s strange how some of the right wingers that i remember from the war-blogger days used to be very funny or at least didn’t sound stupid - and now they’ve lost their minds.

Most lost their minds after Obama was elected.

Jeff was lost long before Obama was elected. He stopped writing comedy - he used to be my favorite online writer. His former flaw of endlessly beating up people with half his IQ for imagined transgressions that they weren’t actually capable of understanding let alone be guilty of morphed into more common right wing anger and hatred. He seemed to lose his actual intelligence to anger.

Anyone here remember back when Allah Pundit was funny? Remember his Howard Dean comics?

I have no conclusion here, just confusion.

I noticed the same thing too. I’m sure there are a bunch of reasons. Back then blogging was new, exciting and different. There was a genuine sense of exploration and discussion. Sept 11 sent a lot of people searching for answers, the right was more tolerant at the time and the South Park Conservatives were welcomed into the tent. There were tons of blogs, people with new or interesting ideas. I’m sure that still exists somewhere but it doesn’t get much attention. There was money to be made. Guys like AllahPundit lost his sense of humor and his independence by joining Hot Air. He’s now paid to write for an audience that hates him and the feeling is probably reciprocal. The blogosphere has been coopted and there’s not much independent or innovative thought. The left and right blogs all run the same stories, often originating from the same handful of powerful and well funded “think tanks” of DC beltway insiders or whatever happens to be trending on twitter. The times have changed.