
Comedians Continue Outdoing the Media: Stephen Colbert: Donald Trump Is Denying U.S. Intel and Reality

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)2/01/2019 7:41:44 pm PST

One thing I’m thinking about tonight are the men/women who shaped my worldviews. Mostly white people as I’m a white male with two white parents and four white grandparents and who had mostly white authority figures in school, youth sports, etc. I would never say I was “color blind” but I do think I just tried to see people as people. Yeah I knew my good friend growing up was from Peru but what mattered was that we had common interests. I don’t know anything about Northam’s upbringing or the culture at that medical college but from even an early age, things like the KKK weren’t a joke to me. I remember my grandfather- a child of an immigrant telling us about the KKK going through his hometown. And I knew that the CIvil Rights Movement wasn’t the PG rated version we got in school. I just don’t understand what made a 25 year old guy think dressing up in KKK or blackface was not only funny but worthy of his yearbook for all posterity to see.