
Snow Leopard This Week

Birth Control Works8/24/2009 11:22:41 pm PDT

re: #382 freetoken

Thank you for the complement, but I have been studying some sort of technical subject (both formally in schools and independently) for nearly all my life. Most people have not done so.

Therein is your challenge.

In order to reach people who have little technical background is a monumental task. And it will require much patience and grace.

It is one of my beliefs that people, nearly all, are indeed capable of understanding this stuff. However, few want to or have the time even if they desire more study.

Keep up the good work.

Wow, I actually think I understood most of what both of you said. The key, IIRC is to reduce the subject to the basic parts. If possible, a basic logical argument. I don’t know if the “average” high school graduate can grasp even that, but anyone with basic understanding of philosophy should be able to graps it.

When it comes to AGW, the smoking gun for me is still the vast amounts of money involved as well as the opportunity created to really change the fundamentals of our economy. I think that troubles me more than the science I don’t understand.

I smell a rat, I am beginning to think it is more in bad accounting than bad science.