
We Take a Short Trip Down the QAnon Rabbit Hole

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge7/10/2018 4:11:50 am PDT

re: #395 sagehen

MSNBC is definitely not painting him as moderate; not at all. They’re saying he’s as experienced and qualified as any conservative is ever going to be (which he actually is, a decade on the bench, 300 opinions, worked for the White House counsel before that, was part of the Bush v. Gore team)… but also super-conservative and the court is shifted for a generation.

“States’ Rights” has been used to support regressive policies forever, but it may be time to start using them the other way. New York and New England, the Pacific states, whoever else wants to get on board need to go: “John Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it.”

Unfortunately this would abandon a lot of good people in Conservatopian states that would just get worse and worse, but what other choice do we have?