
Mission Statement of the Day

Wise Man2/17/2009 2:36:51 pm PST

re: #334 ploome hineni
Not that it’s important, Ploome, but from the site “Askmoses”:

“Entering a mosque does not pose a problem, since Islam is based on a belief in the one-and-only G-d.
Entering a Church however, is problematic as Christianity is based on belief in the Trinity, a concept in which G-d is not ‘one-and-only’ but has partners as well.”

And from the ultimate Halachic authority, Maimonides, in his Letter to Ovadia the Convert:
“These Ishmaelites are not idol worshipers at all, and it has been removed from their tongues and hearts, and they worship the exalted God as a unity, as is proper….”
But as for the Christians in his interpretation of the Mishnah, he stated “You should know that the Christian nation … all of them are idolaters…”

You see, Ploome, the world and its enemies and friends has not always been the same as it is in 2009. It just shows that it is meaningless to analyze national and social problems from a Theological perspective.