
White Supremacist Arrested in North Dakota Town Where He Wants to Establish Racist Enclave

KiTA11/18/2013 10:48:31 pm PST

I can already HEAR the Wingnut response to this forming as we speak.

“OBUMMAR’S TAKIN’ OUR GUNS! A law abiding future mayor was just carrying his gun in ND when Obamma’s gestapo arrested him for the crime of carrying a gun while white and conservative! He’s even personally having this national hero charged with terrorism, and he’s not even an ah-rab! The NRA is saying everyone should buy more guns to protest and Klayman says we should carry them all the time just in case. REVOLUTION! NULLIFICATION! KENYAN! BENGHAZI!!!11!”

Good to see that they’re not being allowed to pull that stunt in ND uncontested. I fear that in my current home state of Idaho they wouldn’t be treated with as much outrage.