
Neocons Are Back -- and Worse Than Ever! Debunking Their Unthinkable New Defense

Rightwingconspirator4/09/2014 11:42:12 am PDT

So exactly how small must our military become to satisfy the critics of the Neocons? Anyone with real specifics? And the missing part of this discussion is our allies. Those that have a war guarantee for their existence. South Korea, japan, Europe.

For those who insist it is wrong for the US to have the largest military force in the world I have to ask-Who would they prefer have that status instead? When we invaded Iraq twice, we gave it back. When will Putin give Crimea back?

How stable would our less powerful allies be without our defense guarantees? Not very. Taiwan, Japan, NATO without the US…. well we know Japan would become a nuclear weapons player. How about South Korea? Anyone ask them about this proposed massive decline in our ability to fight?

Is the world more stable if we withdraw and many more nations become more powerful to see to their own defense? I don’t see how that can possibly end well.