
'Radicals of a Different Sort': How the Reactionary Right Is Plotting to Steal the White House

SoCaroLion3/18/2015 7:34:47 am PDT

re: #3 taserian

Getting an ID is only possible during business hours,

As it should be! After all, if a person is attempting to obtain a government issued photo ID (proof of identity), they should expect to have to appear in person. To the contrary, a person is obviously able to sign up for health insurance via HealthCare dot gov at any time they wish because being personally present to prove one’s identity is not a requirement.

By the way, have you been to a DMV between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm (lunch hours) lately? I have (for a duplicate car title), and it’s amazing how busy it is! Dozens of normal people taking valuable time out of their day doing normal, everyday stuff. A trip to the DMV, for any reason, is always an imposition.