
How John Hersey's Hiroshima Revealed the Horror of the Bomb -- BBC Magazine

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam8/22/2016 7:35:13 pm PDT

It’s compelling reading. Hersey puts a human face on the bombing.

Some of my Chinese students have asked me if Americans are still angry at Japan, or if we hate the Japanese. For the vast majority of Americans, the answer is no. But that’s not the case in China, which the Japanese occupied, brutally at times, for several years. Some Chinese young people hate Japan and its people, largely as a result of the ongoing propaganda by the government (and schools) to demonize Japan even now.

I wonder how a Hersey-like report of the effects on the Japanese occupation on the Japanese occupiers would have affected Chinese sentiments. If it could have been published, ever.