
Stephen Colbert's Job Is So Easy in the Trump Era: Trump Begged Mexico's President to Lie

mmmirele8/04/2017 4:56:03 pm PDT

I know most of us (including me) would not go to Christianity Today (aka ā€œProtestant Evangelicalismā€™s House Organā€) to save our lives, but this article is worth the time, because these are some of the people behind Donald Trump.

The ā€˜Prophetsā€™ and ā€˜Apostlesā€™ Leading the Quiet Revolution in American Religion
A Christian movement characterized by multi-level marketing, Pentecostal signs and wonders, and post-millennial optimism.

Hereā€™s the key paragraph from the political perspective:

[Bob Smietana] Letā€™s talk about the ā€œ7 mountainsā€ theology, which is popular in these circles. On some levels, it sounds like theocracy. Christians are in charge of every part of life: the ā€œmountainsā€ of business, government, media, arts and entertainment, education, the family, and religion. On the other hand, it sounds like thereā€™s no actual planā€”aside from putting these Christians in charge. So whatā€™s going on?

Christerson: They really believe that God is behind it all, that he is appointing people into these high positions, and that they will know what to do when they get there. They will be listening to God, and he will use them to supernaturally make America or the world into the kingdom of God. Some of the people that they claim are in these high positionā€”like Betsy DeVos, Ben Carson, and Rick Perryā€”are part of the Trump administration. But they are not Pentecostals, and they have nothing to do with these groups. The movement just latches on to them and claims God is using Trump to bring in the kingdom.

Itā€™s five short pages, worth a read, just file those names in the back of your head because they really, honestly, truly want to take over America for Jesus. And the rest of us would flatly hate it.