
Video: Israel's Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Blesses Glenn Beck Event

Bob Levin8/14/2011 2:34:00 pm PDT

I think it’s important to point out that terms such as ‘Chief Rabbi’ or ‘leading Rabbi’ are purely political terms (as in synagogue politics), and carry absolutely no religious meaning. Perhaps the rabbi has expertise in a particular area of halacha, more than likely a particular skill at fundraising.

We have no hierarchy, such as Pope, Cardinal, Pujols, Bishop, Priest. Israeli governments always hang on to office by a thread.

Bottom line, we are anarchists by nature. And this fact drives many US politicians, and the State Department a little batty—because there is no leader to go to for the Jews, for Israel.

So, to get a rabbi to show up and bless Glenn Beck’s event simply means, to Jews, that Glenn made a nice contribution to whatever . To non-Jews, it appears to mean something more—because it can’t possibly be that insignificant.

It is that insignificant. However, we live in a time when the less qualified seem to make the most headlines, generally.