
Raising a Daughter in Israel Is Newly Challenging

CuriousLurker1/09/2012 11:27:36 am PST

re: #2 Alouette

I find this article somewhat insulting. The author sets arbitrary standards, declares herself “better” than these arbitrary standards, and demands that everyone else accepts her standards.

It’s like someone from, say, South America who comes to the U.S. and claims to be a “better” citizen than some Kentucky meth-head, in spite of not fulfilling all the requirements that are currently in place for U.S. citizenship.

I don’t know that I’d call her standards “arbitrary” so much as I’d call them rooted in distinctly American ideas about what democracy is (or should be).

That said, I appreciate hearing your forthright opinion on the matter as it provides additional context from someone who belongs to the Ultra-Orthodox community.