
A very awkward video of Netanyahu congratulating Obama

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/07/2012 12:21:09 pm PST

re: #3 Bob Levin

This video doesn’t say much. But Bibi’s alliance with the wildest of the far right, his campaigning against Obama, and his promoting of stupid, antisemitic fucks like Glenn Beck have certainly raised an awkward barrier between him and the President of the US. He let himself get far too involved in US politics, and now at home he’s made a coalition with the same sort of raving nutjobs that Romney tried to appeal to.

It is not a good situation for Israel. Luckily, I think Obama is above being in any way petty about this, but goddamn was Bibi being a horse’s ass when he decided engaging in US politics was a good idea.