
Cathie Adams, Former Texas GOP Chair: Obama Needs Teleprompter Because He 'Fried' Brain on Drugs

Sir John Barron12/12/2012 7:12:08 am PST
“And folks we’ve got to be very careful about saying ‘well, that’s not for me but you can do whatever you want.’ Folks, we have a rule of law, we have a Constitution, and those things must be upheld,”

So, let’s see if I have this straight. Obamacare is too much government and tyranny and unconstitutional and a violation of our Liberty and any and all federal, state and local efforts to oppose and obstruct it are perfectly fine.

But a state law to legalize marijuana isn’t Freedom and must be opposed because of the rule of law and the Constitution?

I may have just lost a few brain cells trying to wrap my mind around this strange dogma.