
In the Wake of Another Mass Shooting, Let's Talk About America's Dangerously Gutted Mental Healthcare System

Birth Control Works12/15/2012 11:18:45 am PST

re: #3 Destro

re: #2 Romantic Heretic

The basic problem is that mental illness is not regarded as illness by a large portion of the population. It is regarded as mental weakness. It is thought that if the sufferer just ‘grew a spine’ or ‘toughened up’ they wouldn’t hear voices, or feel utter despair or think that the government (run by the Illuminati) is out to get them. And as my last example shows some forms of mental illness are regarded as good and true by many people.

Thank you for that observation. I was listening to the radio and the right wing nuts on it (Michael Savage) and pretty much they blame psychiatry for mental illness, which to me is like blaming the climatologists for the weather. I don’t know if it is because people on the right hate science or if their brand of religion hates science or psychiatry.

Such people are afraid of what they might see if they actually look at themselves in an honest way. So, they blame the messenger.

I think they are cowards.

If I can do it, they can.