
John Oliver Explains Net Neutrality Like You've Never Seen It Explained Before

Charles Johnson6/03/2014 9:38:09 pm PDT

Fan mail!

so mad magazine isnt funny in satirizing the presidents decision to release a bunch of lowlife murderers in exchange for what could be a lowlife deserter, but Colbert satirizing the fact that he may decide to obliterate the lowlife murderers freedom with a drone attack is? thats just some kind of sick sense of humor you got there, that a president releasing prisoners only to track them down and kill them is funny. I would not be at all surprised if the drone happy President did just that, since he can kill whoever he wants with the stroke of a pen, but funny? really? I guess that would be about as funny as bringing home a “prisoner of war” or whatever Bergdahl turns out to have been, only to try him for treason and sentence him to death by firing squad. hilarious!