
Monday Night Classic XTC: "Dear God"

A Mom Anon4/23/2019 3:47:54 am PDT

OK, can someone explain to me how a three or four or five party system would actually be more democratic than what we have now? Beyond more choices, letā€™s just say, for easy math purposes, you have 5 parties. Each has a candidate in an election. That means you end up with votes being split 5 ways instead of 2, which means that a much smaller group of voters would be needed to win an election. Right? In the case of 5 parties, wouldnā€™t just a 21 percent total of all votes cast be enough to win?

I am no math genius or for that matter a genius at all, so what am I missing? It seems like more parties would just make a bigger mess. And now that I have publicly shown my ignoramousness, I shall wait for a responseā€¦

Oh, and also too, could we stop the practice of counting votes by the second and declaring winners in elections while people are still casting votes? This makes me nuts. Why do we do this?