
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/08/2010 2:49:29 am PDT

A little more from Robinson that should tell you everything you need to know about what sort of “scientist” he has become…


Healthy social, moral, and religious standards are also a very important part of college preparation. This is especially true of students in science and engineering, since Christian colleges are lacking in these subjects. This forces the student to attend a secular college. A young man or woman must be very well prepared in order to resist the temptations and pressures of these places. Everyone, no matter how well prepared, is susceptible to peer pressure. so this exposure should be limited.

College is an opportunity to gain knowledge and credentials — especially in science, engineering, and other specialties. At present, it is also a dangerous time which can threaten an extended family. Eventually, this threat will be removed by homeschool universities. There is reason to hope that such universities, accredited and of good quality may be only a few years away.

Robinson is obsessed with surviving a nuclear war. He wrote a book (or rather collected materieal written by other folks) with Gary North. Here is his buddy North.

Of course, Robinson is tightly connected with the Heartland institute as well… go figure.

Here is his institute’s home page. It is important to note that two of the six faculty are his sons, who were entirely home schooled by him.