
David Brooks: Thurston Howell Romney

TedStriker9/17/2012 11:22:47 pm PDT

re: #394 Targetpractice

That’s generally the allegation, that JMS gave Paramount a copy of the B5 “bible” and the execs used it to push the series in the same direction. Though, I admit I think part of it was still sour grapes on JMS’ part, being unable to sell Paramount on the idea to begin with.

It was definitely Paramount’s loss, but I can see why they turned JMS down. At the time, the ST franchise was in full swing, with TNG winding down on TV and going to the big screen and DS9 going into production. Picking up B5 would have diverted finite studio resources from a proven sci-fi franchise into an unknown show that would be in direct competition with said franchise.

As much as I dislike Berman and Braga and what they did to the ST franchise (although, I will give Berman props for keeping Trek alive after Roddenberry died, just so I can bitch at him), it seemed like a sound business decision for Paramount at the time.