
Mission Statement of the Day

Bubbaman2/17/2009 2:39:40 pm PST

I’m fascinated how this topic has bubbled up to such consideration. Personally, I’m not keen to the idea of mass deportations but understand the basis for its utterance. Never in the history of mankind has the individual been able to wreak such havoc on society as a whole. We’re not talking about a few wackos with knives or even guns who can kill a few innocents. Now, we’re faced with a filthy evil ideology that arms it adherents with the capacity to kill hundreds, thousands, and maybe even hundreds of thousands. At some point we need to act to preserve our civilization.

Now, I don’t advocate mass deportations and quite frankly I doubt that they would work. But as a society we need to be more vigilant and demand that people from other cultures who come to this country adopt the American norms. This means the Judeo-Christian philosophies that built and sustained this beloved nation. If an adherent’s nihilistic religious practices run counter to the American ideals then they must be dealt with.

I am in full support of better monitoring and surveillance of these groups. Whether they be White-Aryan Supremacists or Islamic Extremists. We need better screening of those who come to this country either legally or illegally and put the measures in place to jail or deport these individuals. But mass deportations? No.