
Video: Jon Stewart on the Frank Luntzification of the GOP

Gus2/06/2013 8:24:30 pm PST

re: #401 stabby

Teaching children about damnation is deep deep abuse that prevents minds from being built in the future.

It might not be an exaggeration to call it soul-murder if one defines “soul” as the potential of the mind and the heart.

One who learns not to think, out of panic at damnation is a person who’s mind has been mutilated. A person who fears his own thoughts is a person who is being beaten internally.

Teaching a person to despise the feelings and needs that are normal and human whether for intimacy or perhaps the needs that some people have to fall in love with their own sex - this is abuse too.

The way that religious people treat their own family, perhaps a daughter gets pregnant or falls in love with someone who isn’t the right religion, this is also often abuse.

You start calling religion child abuse you enter a slippery slope. Parents are arrested for child abuse. prosecuted and if found guilty sent to prison. Effectively you’re saying that religion, being child abuse, will result in parents going to prison. For. Religion.