
Hong Kong Covert Surveillance Law Allows Wiretapping, Bugging Homes, Reading Email

simoom6/09/2013 8:56:19 pm PDT

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, an author of the Patriot Act, heads over to the Guardian to have his partisan editorial published, playing off of their Snowden stories and tying in the IRS controversy for good measure:

This abuse of the Patriot Act must end

We’ve gotten used to what “Big Government” looks like - Washington’s unchecked deficit spending, the Obama administration’s policing of the press and the IRS’s targeting of conservative groups. But the problem is bigger than we thought. “Big Brother” is watching. And he is monitoring the phone calls and digital communications of every American, as well as of any foreigners who make or receive calls to or from the United States.

Last week, the Guardian reported that the Obama administration is collecting records of every call made to, from or within the US, as well as records of many digital communications.

President Obama’s claim that “this is the most transparent administration in history” has once again proven false. In fact, it appears that no administration has ever peered more closely or intimately into the lives of innocent Americans. The president should immediately direct his administration to stop abusing the US constitution.

We all know the saying “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” We are seeing that truth demonstrated once again.

Our liberties are secure only so long as we are prepared to defend them. I and many other members of Congress intend to take immediate action to ensure that such abuses are not repeated.

There’s something darkly amusing about Sensenbrenner using the left-leaning UK Guardian to re-position himself with his base. It works since they’re now getting sizable RightWing traffic as the right revels in the leaks.