
From One of the Best Albums of the Year: Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit, "Hope the High Road"

Anymouse šŸŒ¹šŸ”šŸ˜·7/03/2017 12:22:56 pm PDT

re: #400 lawhawk

This creationist nut has been seeking a permit to collect rocks from Grand Canyon so he can prove that the Canyon is not as old as it is per radiocarbon dating and other scientific measures have indicated.

Theyā€™re allowing his permit, despite not including certain key bits of info on his application:

Canā€™t wait for this nutā€™s ā€œscientificā€ research to conclude that all the prior scientific research was wrong, and that itā€™s only a few thousand years old.

On the basis not not disclosing that info, I would have denied his application. But theyā€™re allowing it - and enabling these creationist nuts to continue poisoning the minds of people who donā€™t know any better and worse, indoctrinating another generation of kids to believe this nonsense when the scientific consensus is that the canyon is at least 6 million years old, and parts could be more than 70 million years old. It certainly isnā€™t the 6,000 years old these creationists believe.

Well, he is from Ken Hamā€™s Answers in Genesis, so I guess we already know how this ā€œresearchā€ is going to come out.

And the Park Service didnā€™t drop the case because they thought they were being discriminatory against this guy. They dropped it because of all the creationist wingnuts in our government now.