
Friday Afternoon Open

Targetpractice3/16/2012 10:05:03 pm PDT

re: #393 William of Orange

Please. Can I get your attention? This is essential read.

An effect of the now stringent Texas anti-abortion law. This happened to a couple that already had a healthy daughter and were now expecting a son. This son was very welcome until the doctors told them that he would not develop into a healthy baby.

Heartbreaking stuff.

Read the rest here.

She started with an apology, saying that despite being responsible for both my baby’s care and my own, she couldn’t take us to the final stop. The hospital with which she’s affiliated is Catholic and doesn’t allow abortion. It felt like a physical blow to hear that word, abortion, in the context of our much-wanted child. Abortion is a topic that never seemed relevant to me; it was something we read about in the news or talked about politically; it always remained at a safe distance. Yet now its ugly fist was hammering on my chest.

If you want to know how such laws get put into place, look no further than those two lines. Women have spent decades now assuming that the fight for equality was over, RvW settled law in perpetuity, and the idea that the state could force a you to endure such a nightmare just to exercise control over your own body unthinkable. It’s that lull that they’ve worked themselves into that social dinosaurs are now exploiting to roll back the clock, trying to press their morality on new generations of women, whether it be in the name of control, of religion, or just sheer misogyny.