
Inexcusable: Ferguson Police Wear Armbands Saying, "I Am Darren Wilson"

BongCrodny9/24/2014 3:55:39 pm PDT

Saw this today in the hospital store; it was a jigsaw puzzle. Apologies for the quality of the photo, but Apple, in its INFINITE wisdom, saw fit to make my version of the Ipod only capable of taking SELFIES, so I had to tuck the package under my chin, while angling the Ipod, and also while trying to avoid any store workers who might wonder what I was doing and…oh, never mind.

My first thought was that if the story were true, this would be a much more accurate representation than the traditional “babe in the manger” picture.

My second thought was that since it was being sold in a government-run facility, it would drive the knuckle-dragging crowd batshit.

One can only hope.