
Photo of the Day: First Lady and Daughters at the Great Wall of China

BongCrodny3/24/2014 9:02:04 am PDT

re: #401 lawhawk

I’d be curious as to how many of that 1.2% is due to medical issues arising after 20 weeks that require an abortion to save the mother’s life or to end the pregnancy of a nonviable fetus. Abortions aren’t something that any woman is going to do for the fun of it. It’s an extremely emotional issue that isn’t taken lightly by anyone involved. Except the right wing and so-cons think that this is something done spur of the moment and can be joked about.

Exactly. There are any number of complicating circumstances.

According to the research conducted by Guttmacher, 42% of the women obtaining abortions had incomes under 100% of the poverty level.

I imagine it must be one hell of a decision to make, trying to decide whether you can take care of a kid when you’re making under $11,000 a year.

It wouldn’t surprise me if some of these women carried the fetus longer than the 21 week mark hoping their financial situation might turn around…and then terminating the pregnancy only when realizing there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

And yet, these same type of idiots argue vehemently against increasing the minimum wage.