
Limbaugh Stuck on Fail

quickjustice5/27/2009 3:23:15 pm PDT

Here’s the part about Judge Sotomayor that Obama doesn’t understand. He thinks he’s scored a huge victory with “Hispanics” with this selection. He has not. There’s huge rivalry among the various Spanish-speaking ethnic groups in this country, including jealousy, bad feelings, and bad-mouthing. The Cubans hate the Puerto Ricans, for example, and vice versa.

The clueless N.Y. Times sent a stringer out to interview some Cuban Americans in Miami about Sotomayor. As reported this morning, the “Hispanics” in Miami replied, “Oh, she’s a Puerto Rican! That’s nice!” What the stringer failed to report is that no one in that group was impressed by the nomination of a Puerto Rican.

The only “Hispanic” ethnic group that will be pleased with this nomination is the Puerto Rican community. They’re already part of Obama’s base, so he’s accomplished nothing, politically speaking.