
Overnight Open Thread

justdanny5/31/2009 7:17:50 am PDT

Morning good lizards. (bite my ass bad ones who will one day go off and join the stalker blog community) ;)

I was just looking at some stuff and I started thinking, I work my ass off, I really do. I work in a parts distribution warehouse where I take orders off the printer and then pull the parts off the shelves to load them on carts to be shipped hither and yawn. Around 50% of the stuff I handle weighs from 40 to 90 lbs.. I pull around 250 tickets in an 8 1/2 hour shift. The warehuse is so large that I walk from 10 to 15 miles a day. Carts don’t go down isles so I spend most of my time carrying stuff. Heavy stuff. When I get home from work I disolve into bed for about an hour unable to move. My coworkers and management are among the most vile folks I have ever known. Racist, sexist, homophobic, socially backwards, mean spirited, angry awful folks. And I make $8.25 an hour. Barely enough to support myself on. Some months I have to swallow my pride and reach to friends for help paying bills. Currently I owe friends a total of $525 to friends.

So I was wondering, which started me looking. Where does all the money that I die to make for someone go. I literally see myself as the gritty oil slathered on the ground so that the massive rock can be slid. So I went looking for the massive rock. And I found it.
Atherton California.

I literally kill myself five and sometimes six days a week so that folks like these can live like this.