
Tuesday Night Afro-Caribbean Tiny Desk Jam: Los Hacheros

Shimshon7/05/2016 10:21:29 pm PDT

re: #17 Anymouse

Urbana, Ill. police arrest a man for burning the flag on Independence Day:

They allegedly arrested him “for his safety” after he allegedly received death threats. He was charged under a 27-year-old flag burning ordinance long ago declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. (The police noted they had never arrested anyone under that ordinance.)

The prosecutor declined to issue charges, citing the Supreme Court.

Wingnuts in the comments section are going crazy, with variations of “veterans fought for that flag” &c &c &c.

Yeah, I’m a veteran. You know what I care about? Everyone’s speech rights, even when I don’t agree with the speech.

More conservative PC speech concerns.

The government arresting someone for speech is what the I Amendment is about, not private individuals opinions. Conservatives continue to have a problem with that.

Ignoring the reality that veterans haven’t fought a threat to America since WWII… veterans “fought for his right to burn the flag” because free speech is free speech. Unless those so-called veterans thought they were fighting for a right wing dictatorship (wouldn’t surprise me seeing the type of crazy that comes from the military these days. Tehran Tom Cotton, Torturer Alan West, etc)