
And Now, Something Beautiful: Becca Stevens, "Regina"

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷11/13/2017 3:09:18 am PST

Police: Naked People Rampage through Missouri Town Barking and Running Around (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

Last weekend got downright bizarre in the eastern Missouri town of Sullivan, and police say they know why.

Four people went on a rampage, barking and yelling, breaking into buildings, even stripping off their clothes and showering in soda water, police say. They suspect the synthetic drug flakka is behind the behavior.

“We had multiple incidents this past weekend of people on some kind of substance acting out of their minds,” Sullivan Police Lt. Patrick Johnson told the Sullivan Independent News. “Barking like dogs, running up and down the street, or other farm animals, entering people’s homes, breaking into a business, yelling outside of local businesses.”
