
Video: FAIR President Addresses Racism Accusations

cineaste4/29/2010 9:10:55 pm PDT

re: #7 reloadingisnotahobby

Give it a FUCKING REST!!!
Can you name ONE Canadian gang?
Eskimo gang?
…Native American Gang?
Jewish gang?
We lost a Deputy Sheriff here to a POS that had been
deported 3 times…went back to the same “job” …
Dealing drugs and stolen weapons!
Why ?

? Have you never heard of Dutch Schultz, Longi Zwillman and Murder Inc? What about black gangs? What about white supremacist gangs? What about the Russian Mob? What about the Italian Mob. What about the Irish Mob?

Yep, it’s only the latinos who deal drugs and kill people… Hell, even the Amish have gangs you nitwit.