
Happy Independence Day

Vicious Babushka7/04/2010 11:37:33 am PDT

re: #10 Charles

McCain’s post is a textbook example of his debased intellectual dishonesty. For the record, this is what Joshua Trevino posted on Twitter:

Both of these statements are pure and simple, outrageously brazen LIES. I have never written anything like this at LGF. (However, one of their heros, Pamela Geller, HAS written this kind of thing many times.)

So for defending myself against an outright lie, posted on Twitter by a contributor to a European fascist website, RS McCain declares I’m “smearing” Trevino. Classic turnspeak.

And of course, the hurr hurr chorus immediately retweeted it a dozen times.

Car swarm used to be regular feature here, and some of the car swarm photos (taken directly from the wire services) showed frenzied people grabbing “souvenirs” but at no time was it ever suggested here that these “souvenirs” were eaten.