
Poll: Obama Loses Bin Laden Bounce, but Palin's Popularity Plummets

makeitstop6/07/2011 9:38:01 am PDT

Speaking of Pawlenty - who the hell is running his campaign?

Pawlenty To Propose ‘Better Deal’ — And ‘Google Test’ To Eliminate Programs

Pawlenty’s proposals, according to excerpts released by his campaign, would involve drastic slashing of tax rates: The corporate tax rate would be reduced from 35% to 15%, and the income tax would now take up only two brackets of 10% and 25%.

Pawlenty would in turn drastically cut spending, including some possible cuts or privatizations/eliminations of services that people have taken for granted: “There are some obvious targets. We can start by applying what I call ‘The Google Test.’ If you can find a good or service on the Internet, then the federal government probably doesn’t need to be doing it. The post office, the government printing office, Amtrak, Fannie and Freddie, were all built for a time in our country when the private sector did not adequately provide those products. That’s no longer the case.”

‘Google test???’ Ohhhh-kayyyy….