
Was Planned Parenthood's Founder Racist?

Birth Control Works11/06/2011 9:19:38 pm PST

re: #38 OhNoZombies!

The issue as it stands today, is that it doesn’t matter whether she, like so many of her time, was a racist. The problem I have is that Cain is overlooking issues of poverty, health, and reproductive rights in women. Specifically black women. I say this because he is appealing to the distrust that many black people in this country hold for science and health care .All the while dancing to the tune of the RW anti abortion zealots.
He’s implying that planned parenthood is akin to the Tuskegee experiments and the practice of the sterilization of unwed mothers in the south a few decades ago.
It is a sick, and dangerous game he’s playing.

keep them poor and dependent — caring for their numerous children.
