
Drudge Continues Right-Wing Distortion of Obama's Record on Israel by Claiming Obama Hasn't Visited Israel

Buck7/04/2012 1:06:54 pm PDT

re: #40 JamesWI

Still waiting for those “real” numbers you said were going to come out. You know…the ones that would show Tom Barrett and the unions spent anywhere near as much money as Walker and his PACs, even though all the other reports showed Walker’s side spending at least 8 times as much.

Still waiting on that. Because we all know that it couldn’t have been just another example of you being an ultra-partisan hack lying your ass off to further your side. Right?

Quite stalkerish of you to carry that from all those weeks ago.

Fact is that no one is doing the research. And the unions don’t have to report how much they spent, not even to their members.

I feel very confident that if you were able to add up what the unions spent on creating the protests, gathering up the signatures for multiple recalls and attempting to get their people in place for the big payoff (multiple candidates two different elections), it would be a lot more than has been reported.

But like I said then, and repeat now, the unions don’t have to report how much they spend.

Which is what I said at the time. No lying.

It is in fact a demonstration of YOUR ultra-partisan stand to ignore that.

If you are not seeing the backlash against the unions for wasting all those millions you are being purposely blind to it.

Now, that is not your excuse for using the lowest form of disagreement, and probably also the most common form name calling here is it? Because I gave my opinion all those weeks ago and it wasn’t in line with yours? Really?