
And Now, a Spectacular Solo Acoustic Guitar Jam by Van Larkins: "Cinder Moon"

Targetpractice6/26/2018 9:13:10 am PDT

re: #397 Citizen K

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I understand and agree with the need to fight, but I can’t fault those for whom the fight seems futile at this point. They were told for the better part of a year that the fight would be “won” in the courts, that that string of victories in the early court battles would continue all the way to the steps of the Supreme Court and Trump’s efforts stymied or even halted entirely. Now we get to the SCOTUS and realize that the Court is willing to give Trump a pass if it can argue that doing so is the only option the Court has.

At that point, what is there left to do? We as citizens can argue that its to vote and seek a government better able to fight Trump and his influence, but what of those who aren’t citizens? How do they continue the fight when the best ally they might have had just shut the door in their face?