
And Now for Something Completely Different: Green Day's "American Idiot," 1940s Wartime Style

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷1/31/2017 8:57:55 am PST

The worst problem I saw with GOP obstuctionism was that it would become the “new normal”: GOP obstructs everything Dems propose, Dems call “payback time” and do the same, and you get endless cycles of retaliation between the two parties.

It doesn’t really matter who started it: The government is still paralysed.

My wife is reading a comment on an article in Australia’s The Age: The USA no longer has any moral high ground to lecture others on human rights and democracy.

Thanks, GOP.

The article is here:
Four Ways They Can Get Rid of Trump Sooner Than Later
(goes to The Age)

They left one of the ways out (there are five): He could resign.
The other four methods they list are:
Impeachment (good luck with a GOP majority unless he threatens their party)
Article XXV (they explain how that would work to Australians)
2020 Election (if we survive until then)
Military coup (dubious legality and likely an unmitigated disaster even if done “cleanly”)