
A Scathing Piece by Madeleine Albright Says Trump Is Leading the World... Into Fascism

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/06/2018 8:19:25 pm PDT

re: #402 Hecuba’s daughter

Due to lack of knowledge, I am very confused about the verbal battle between former CIA chief Brennan and CIA veteran Daniel Hoffman. Brennan attacks Trump; Hoffman attacks Brennan for this criticism and describes it as playing into Putin’s hands by helping to stoke political divisions. Is there some reason that one should take Hoffman’s criticism seriously? I know nothing about his background.

The issue is the way politics used to work BT (Before Trump). Government officials (especially senior civil service, high-level appointees such as the CIA director, and former presidents) do not undermine the current administration by attacking its policies or personnel directly.

Hoffman appears to be playing by the old rule BT: undermining the current president’s policies or personnel could indeed play into an adversary’s hands. Chief Brennan sees Donald Trump as the bigger threat.