
Friday Night Jam: Beck Goes Fluffy: "Fix Me"

BeachDem1/20/2018 9:36:51 am PST

Meanwhile, at Mar-a-Gaudy:

…life-size cutouts of Trump himself, placed to accommodate the demand for selfies. But the night was windy and unkind to the Trumps: They kept blowing over. “Man down!” one guest shouted when a cardboard president fell over. A passer-by took the cutout’s baseball hat. Another guest propped him up again, and two posing women pretended to grope the president…

There were Palm Beach women in furs, and men in Palm Beach’s distinctive party footwear: hyper-expensive man-slippers. But others dressed in American flag suits and Uncle Sam hats, and still others dressed for a Trump rally, including one woman in an “I love English” button.

Classy bunch.