
Greek Financial Crisis Going Viral

researchok5/06/2010 2:24:31 pm PDT

re: #382 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I would gladly accept a five percent tax increase if 100% the funds were directly wired to the guy we owe the money to.

I’m sure I’m not the only American that feels that way.

Of course with some kind of “spending freeze” language built in too.

Can’t happen. Bureaucracy.

You need a hammer. You get a paycheck and go the hardware store to buy a hammer.

The country needs a hammer. You pay 5% more in taxes. Then someone has to manage 5% more money. Someone has to ask for teh hammer (even though everyone knows we need the hammer. That application has to be studied and approved 3 or 4 times. Then the money has to disbursed and further managed until it is finally disbursed and the hammer bought. Then there has to be oversight to make sure the hammer got delivered.

And we haven’t talked about the price and bid process yet.

All those government employees have to get paid and have their pensions and government health care funded.

Government is not capable of thrift or the judicious use of taxpayer funding.