
Election Night Open Thread 3

palomino11/04/2014 11:09:15 pm PST

re: #384 lostlakehiker

I too hope Hillary is not the Democratic nominee. Not because I think she’d be more likely to win and I want my party to win one way or the other, but because I think she’s past her use-by date and would not have the energy to do the job right. And there’s no track record of success in executive positions, so even if she’s still fit, that’s a question mark.

Give us an energetic young-ish governor who’s done well at the state level.

If the Republicans nominate Ted Cruz, for instance, y’all had better put up some solid candidate who doesn’t commit gaffes and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Because that Ted guy is unfit for the presidency.

Past her expiration date? Your party worships a guy who was older when elected President than Hillary will be in 2016. And if she’s past her sell-by date, then you’d have to say the same thing about Jeb Bush, right? Nearly as old, with TWO relatives who served as president.