
Breaking: Gaza Invasion Begins

Ayatollah Ghilmeini1/03/2009 11:49:41 am PST

This is going to plan.

Let’s hope the force of the attack coupled with the punches thrown to date disrupt them severely and force a fast go down. I expect plenty of hard fighting but one can hope.

I also look forward to Fatah operatives pointing out Hamas leaders and weapons caches. No regime can survive when an enemy army occupies its territory. As of this moment, Hamas will never bother Israel for a very long time.

The Israelis are going to hand over the strip to Egypt and the PA as soon as they can finish mopping up.

On a purely, I hate them and let’s mock these idiots off the map, let’s help humiliate the Hamasniks, they are all going to jail or hell, so Ismail Haniyeh, if you survive, your prison bitch name is: Liberace! You departed buddy Nizar Rayyan would have been Count Suckula, so I am sure he is much happier than you will be.