
Obama Botches Meeting with British PM

Athos3/08/2009 10:58:48 am PDT

re: #388 Rancher

He isn’t trying, if he was he would be addressing the banking problem. This crises will milked allot more before he does something as simple as getting rid of the Mark to Market rule.

Oh, BO is trying - he’s taking a page right out of Alinsky and taking advantage of a crisis to effect the change that he’s interested in. Unfortunately, the change is not about stabilizing the markets or letting the markets work themselves out of the impact of government intervention that started in the late 1990’s, but change in the underlying socio-economic conditions of this country and the establishment of a european model central government power. That’s why mark to market and other disasterous past decisions will not be reversed. They created the crisis and now use it as cover. It’s ‘we have to destroy it to save it’ all over again.