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Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion9/03/2009 2:23:44 pm PDT

re: #386 jcm

It is not true there weren’t WMD. It’s accurate to say we did not find stock piles.

I think way too many people were expecting to find an Iraqi warehouse like the one from Raiders of the Lost Ark, filled to the roof with WMD. Unrealistic expectations on the part of the public have allowed the falsehood to be accepted as gospel by the uncritical.

As far as I’m concerned. 1 single shell or warhead with a banned chemical weapon in it was a violation of UN Resolution 687 and the Gulf War Cessation of Hostilities, and legal grounds for invasion of Iraq and removal of Saddam Hussein. They found more than one, just not millions in a neat super sekrit stockpile.