
Overnight Open Thread

Leonidas Hoplite9/18/2009 6:12:29 am PDT

re: #393 JamesTKirk

We can’t watch TV. Got rid of cable years go, have no antenna, and now no digital tuner since they switched over from analog broadcasting this year. And that’s by choice.

We have hundreds of videotapes, DVDs, and internet downloads; all commercial-free (well, except for the beginning of the tape/disc, but we can skip over those, and product placement) and ready to watch whenever we want to watch them. And that way we can guaran-fucking-tee that Barney the Purple Dinosaur has absolutely no way whatsoever of getting into our house and onto the screen in front of our son.

In my desire to examine every effin’ dollar that we have gotten in the habit of letting go out the door over the past several years, I discovered that the public library has all manner of tapes, dvd’s, music cd’s and…books! Imagine my surprise. We’ve saved a lot of money by making use of it. Sure, sometimes you have to wait a few days or even weeks for something to be available, but unlearning the instant gratification habit, at least some of it, has been a good thing.