
New SPLC Report on Hate and Extremism

Kragar3/06/2013 10:09:02 am PST

Texas GOP: Planned Parenthood Is Convincing Teens To Get Pregnant So It Can Perform Their Abortions

State Sen. Ken Paxton (R) wants to put even more restrictions on health classes by preventing “abortion affiliates” from providing any sexual health instruction or contraceptive resources.

Texans who back Paxton’s measure argue that Planned Parenthood can’t be trusted to provide sex ed because, since the organization doesn’t want to “lose abortion business,” it has a vested interest in convincing teenagers to have sex and get pregnant:

During Tuesday’s hearing on Paxton’s bill, Renate Sims of Round Rock told the Senate Education Committee she strives to teach her five children that “married sex and only married sex is appropriate.”

“Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood and their affiliates can’t possibly communicate this message effectively because of their inherent conflict of interest. If teenagers consistently viewed sex as something to be saved for marriage, Planned Parenthood would lose abortion business,” Sims said.

Although several speakers criticized the way sex education is handled in specific districts, no supporter of Paxton’s bill provided examples of Planned Parenthood materials or information that has actually been used in schools.