
CPD: Man Defending Infant Son Shoots Robber

iossarian1/10/2013 12:40:20 pm PST

re: #41 Obdicut

Actually, the total ban is probably achievable via a two-step process. First you go to your proposed solution (the tight regulation). Then, in about 10 years’ time, when another school massacre occurs with someone’s “highly regulated” weapon (e.g., Dunblane) you go to an (effective) outright ban.

In the interim, deaths may be somewhat reduced. Time will tell how much of an effect the regulation will have.

In any case, I don’t think that talking as if a total ban is achievable is pointless. It’s useful to keep reminding people that such an outcome is desirable. Even in America.

But I do agree that the tight regulation (tighter the better!) is probably the best achievable outcome in the short term.