
Overnight Open Thread

3 wood3/20/2009 4:11:26 am PDT

Good morning.

I woke up to hear the MSM falling all over themselves to “understand” and explain away and defend The Marxist Messiah’s insult about Special Olympics. If this was Bush you would hear the screaming non stop all day. Today they will mention it once, dismiss it and then ignore it.

By the way, expect the market to drop again today as Obama’s incompetant Treasury Secretary and SEC Chair continue to flounder and the credit system continues to lock up.

There were outstanding articles yesterday in several places about how illegal “naked” short selling by speculators was a main key in the destruction of Lehman Brothers. Look for similar bear raids to start up as the SEC is still dong nothing about it and the bears will try to destroy more companies for profit until the uptick rule is reinstalled.