
Vatican: Holocaust Denying Bishop Must 'Recant'

FurryOldGuyJeans2/04/2009 11:19:57 am PST

re: #418 Kenneth

Oh, but there is a difference:

There really are terrorists who are trying to kill Americans. There have been dozens of plots uncovered and broken up because of the agressive methods the Bush admin employed.

On the other hand, the paranoid rantings of the Democrats that Bush & Cheney were subverting the constitution, that Iraq was a “distraction” from the real war, that the Surge had failed & the war was lost, that Al Qaeda never really posed a real threat anyway, that Shiite Iran would never work with Sunni terrorists, & so on, were all wrong and based on lies.

Can you see the difference now?

No, his ideology reigns supreme. Any logic and facts in contrary will be ignored with extreme prejudice.