
A Fantastic Acoustic Guitar Cover of Coldplay: Daniel Padim: "A Sky Full of Stars"

TedStriker9/18/2016 12:34:18 pm PDT

re: #40 CuriousLurker

It actually doesn’t make much sense at all, as a manifesto. It’s all too pat.

S/he claims to be doing this for the “oppressed, for “under classed and underprivileged people,” and to be striking out at “republicans in general” who are supposedly “all cisgendered privileged white people.”

So a SJW committing terrorist acts on behalf of various minorities? How convenient that such a thing would play right into the hands of the Orange Vulgarian and his white supremacist fan club—it’s a perfect caricature of everything the RWNJs hate (and say) about liberals. And the election is in what, like 50 days?

My spidey sense is tingling.

I’m not one for conspiracy theories, primarily because they almost always, as an article of faith, require one to reject very important things, such as provable facts and basic logic, but I can definitely see this incident last night as a possible frame-up job to help Trump.